Test preparation

Is there a book or website I can use to prepare for the ITACE for Students?
There is no standard preparation package for the ITACE for Students. However, a useful starting point may be the sample questions offered on the ITACE for Students website. Although these are not intended as a representative practice test, they do offer some insight into how the test is designed and which question types to expect. This could help you determine which aspects you need to pay specific attention to. Additionally, it could be useful to have a look at our study tips. We also advise you to increase your exposure to English in the days before the test and to try to start thinking in the target language.

Is there a sample exam available?
On the website you will find examples of all the different question types.


Test questions

What components does the ITACE for Students consist of?
The ITACE for Students consists of a computer test, a writing test and an oral test. Detailed information about the components of the test can be found on the website.

How are the marks distributed across the test components?
The test components are weighted as follows:

Reading 15
Listening 15
Vocabulary & Grammar 30
Speaking 25
Writing 25


How long does the ITACE for Students take?
Depending on the number of participants and the time slot for your oral test, the ITACE for Students can take up to a full day.

  • The computer test takes a maximum of 2 hours.
  • The writing test takes a maximum of 1 hour.
  • The oral test takes 30 minutes: 15 minutes of preparation time and 15 minutes for the oral exam itself.

Are the questions the same at all test centres?
Yes, the ITACE for Students is administered with the same questions in all test centres. These questions are randomly selected for each test from a large database. Therefore, each ITACE for Students is always different.

Why is the oral test recorded?
The recording of the oral part is used to allow the exam to be assessed by different examiners.
Some recordings are also used for scientific research, for example in assessment criteria studies or to train the examiners. In that case, the recordings are always anonymised.
By registering for the ITACE for Students you agree to a recording of your oral exam.

Who assesses my test?
The computer test is corrected automatically. The speaking exam and the writing task are assessed by a minimum of two qualified ITACE for Students examiners.

The oral part is scored by different examiners. Do they all use the same criteria in the assessment?
Yes, the same assessment criteria are used at the various test centres where the ITACE for Students is administered. The ITACE for Students examiners have all received specific training.

What test principles is the ITACE for Students based on?
More information can be found on this page: Testing principles

What is the total score I need to reach in order to obtain B1, B2 or C1?
These are the minimum scores you need in order to obtain the corresponding CEFR level:


20% B1
40% B2
70% C1


Test result

How will I receive my ITACE for Students certificate?
You will receive your certificate by email within two weeks after participation.

Is the ITACE for Students certificate also valid outside Flanders?
Possibly. It is up to each higher education institution to determine which admission requirements they apply. Always inquire directly with the institution concerned about the requested certificates.

How long does an ITACE for Students certificate remain valid?
An ITACE for Students certificate has an issue date, not an expiration date. Institutions that accept an ITACE for Students certificate, however, may set a certain period of validity. Please inquire about this at the institution you are applying to.

What does an ITACE for Students certificate look like?
An ITACE for Students certificate (B1, B2 or C1) is an A4-size document with the logos of the various test centres. In the middle of the page, behind the name of the participant, is a watermark containing the ITACE for Students logo in combination with the logo of the university at which the test was taken. The certificate is signed by the director and/or the ITACE for Students representative of the test centre.
Certificates from 2020  onwards contain a verification code.

When will I get the results?
Upon completion of the computer test, participants are informed whether they are allowed to proceed with the test. Participants who scored below B1 on the computer test cannot participate in the oral and written task. They will not receive a certificate as the test only assesses level B1 and higher.

The full results of the computer, writing and oral tests will be communicated within two weeks after participation. Participants are issued a B1, B2 or C1 certificate.

Can I review my test afterwards?
If a test taker has legitimate doubts about the accuracy of the test results, they may ask the ITACE for Students testing centre to view their answers. This inspection is only allowed after a second or subsequent participation and must be requested within six weeks after the latest test participation.

For organizational reasons, the inspection will only concern the latest test participation, and must be requested in writing (by e-mail or letter) from the test centre where the test was taken.

Can I receive feedback on my test (e.g. to improve my English)?
The ITACE for Students is a summative aptitude test that determines whether the candidate achieves CEFR level B1, B2 or C1. The test is not intended as a formative tool that provides feedback for further learning. In that respect, the ITACE for Students can be compared to tests such as TOEFL or IELTS for English. Participants do not receive detailed feedback in these tests either.

I did not pass. How can I prepare for a resit?
In order to give yourself sufficient time to practise, you are advised to wait at least 14 days between each attempt, with a maximum of four attempts in a 12-month period. Although there is no standard preparation package for the ITACE for Students, a useful starting point may be the sample questions offered on the ITACE for Students website. Additionally, it could be useful to have a look at our study tips.
Please note that participants who wish to retake the ITACE for Students test to improve their score will have to retake all of the test components. This will allow them to compensate between the different components.

Do I have to take the whole test again if I want to improve my score, or only the components I failed?
Yes, if you resit, you must take the entire ITACE for Students again. This will allow you to compensate between the different components.

How many times can I take the ITACE for Students?
Participants are allowed to take the test four times in a 12-month period. They are advised to wait at least 14 days between each attempt.

What is the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), and how is my proficiency level reflected within this framework?
More information can be found on this page: CEFR levels



Practical arrangements

How much does it cost to take the ITACE for Students?
There is a different fee for planned test sessions and tests by appointment.

Why is it more expensive to take an ITACE for Students by appointment?
Because the same amount of staff is needed to administer the test to a limited number of candidates.

Can the ITACE for Students also be taken abroad?
No, this is not possible. You can only take the ITACE for Students at the test centres of the university language centres in Antwerp, Brussels, Ghent and Leuven.

Is there a minimum age requirement to take the ITACE for Students?
There is no minimum age requirement, but the ITACE for Students does focus on an adult audience, including students who aim to study at an institution for higher education in Flanders.

What happens to the personal data I enter (name, date of birth, native language, etc.)?
These data are used to process the results, to create the certificates, and to check how often someone has already taken a test. Certain data are also used for scientific research (e.g. on the profile of participants), though always anonymised. The data are securely stored in the test centres and treated with the necessary discretion.
The ITACE for Students respects the applicable privacy legislation.

What do I need to bring on the day of the test?
Bring a photo ID (ID card, passport, student or personnel card) to identify yourself at the start of the test. Blank paper will be provided, but please bring a pen or pencil to take notes with.

Can the ITACE for Students be taken on a PC with a QWERTY keyboard?
Computers in the test room are equipped with AZERTY keyboards, but QWERTY keyboards can be provided.

Can special arrangements be made to accommodate participants with disabilities or functional limitations (dyslexia, visual impairment, etc)?
Yes, certain accommodations can be granted on request.
The application procedure is as follows: at registration, test participants with disabilities or functional limitations notify the test centre of their need for special arrangements by email. They also send an official certificate/attestation of their disability or impairment (in Dutch, French, English, German, or with a certified translation into one of these languages) to the test centre. The application must be made minimally 10 days before the test date to allow the test centre to provide the arrangements requested. Within a week following the receipt of the request, the test centre will reply with a proposal for test accommodations. If the participant accepts the arrangements proposed, the test will be conducted accordingly.
Certificates for participants with disabilities or functional limitations: those who take the complete exam will receive a standard certificate without mention of the accommodations. If parts of the test cannot be taken due to the participant’s disability or functional limitations, only the parts taken will be certified.

What is considered fraud?
More information can be found on this page: Fraud

Can I file a formal complaint?
If a test taker wishes to make a formal complaint about the test procedure, this must be submitted in writing to the test centre where the test was taken within one month after the test date. The complaint will be forwarded to the IUTC examination board, which consists of:

  • The director of the test centre concerned;
  • A director from another test centre within the consortium;
  • A member of the test centre concerned who is not involved in developing or administering the test.

The IUTC examination board will determine any further steps to be taken. The test taker will be informed of the examination board’s decision within five working days.